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Crossway Menifee Church Update 3/28/2020
Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all safe and well. Here is some updated information as we continue to minister together...
Sunday Morning Live Stream at 10:30am
We will again be using the Heritage Church office to livestream our 10:30am Sunday Service. Pastor Joe and Chris have been working on more platforms for our church family and to share with others. They have put together a couple new options to view the Sunday morning service...
Livestream Platforms
Crossway Menifee Website - https://www.crosswaymenifee. org/live/
Crossway Menifee YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/ channel/ UC24NjLDaoIxgWjcgfcMgn9Q
Facebook Live - facebook.com/crosswaymenifee
Archived Video Messages
Crossway Menifee Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/ crosswaymenifee
You can subscribe to the above Crossway Menifee YouTube Channel, as well as the Vimeo Channel. If you haven't already, you can like our church Facebook page for notifications. Please encourage those from our church, family, friends, and neighbors to tune into one of these livestream platforms. This is a great way to be encouraged and share the gospel with others during this time.

We are praying for and looking for creative ways for all of us to be encouraged during these times. Below are some resources that are available...
Men's and Women's Growth Groups - We are live streaming our Tuesday morning Ladies Bible Study and the Thursday Night Men's Bible Study. They are live streamed on facebook.com/crosswaymenifee
Life Groups - Pastor Joe and Joe Reynoso have been working on options for still gathering together through the internet. Pastor Joe will be contacting the groups this week with a possible solution.
Discipleship Explored Video Study - Christianity Explored Ministries has made their "Discipleship Explored" video series available at no cost. This is a study through the Book of Philippians and it is a great resource for your families. We went through the series last Summer with the Men's Ministry and the Town Center Life Group just finished going through it. You can access it at https://www.crosswaymenifee. org/category/discipleship- explored/
Sunday School Materials - Dennis Garcia and Diane Miernik have made the Children's Ministry materials available for you to use in your home with your families. You can access by joining the group at https://crosswaymenifee. churchcenter.com/groups/small- groups/crossway-kids-children- s-ministry
Good Friday and Easter Services
We are still planning to have these services to celebrate our risen Savior. Live stream or in person, our Good Friday Service will be at 6:30pm on Friday, April 10th. Our Easter Services will be tentatively at 6:30am and 10:30am. More details to follow.
Loving One Another
The Elders, Deacons, and others are continuing to check on those in our congregation. Please let our Elders and Deacons know if you know of someone who needs a call, visit, or has a practical need.
Church Office
Our church office will continue to be open Monday-Thursday from 9:00am-5:00pm. We will be there to pray and we will also have Bibles, gospel tracts, Communion elements, etc. - the church office phone number is 951.679.9997 and the email is office@crosswaymenifee.org.
Please let us know if you have any needs or if someone in our church needs help.
God bless you all and I can't wait until we worship together in the same room with one another!
In Christ,
Bob Warning
Lead Pastor
Crossway Menifee
Lead Pastor
Crossway Menifee