What are Growth Groups?

At Crossway Menifee, our hope is that men will develop a strong, dependent relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe this is best accomplished by providing men with opportunities for bible study, social interaction, and service to others (and sometimes we just need to do manly things!). Our Men's Ministry is a great place to connect with other men and be part of a men’s community with a concentration on camaraderie, service, spiritual growth, friendship and fun!


Join a Men's Growth Group

Come to a relaxed setting where men enjoy great teaching, discussion and get to know other men on the same journey of learning how to be a godly man in today's culture. Our Men’s Growth Groups provide several different opportunities for to increase their knowledge of God’s Word and grow as a follower of Jesus Christ. Our faith is deepened as we meet in small groups to discuss and share what we are learning as we encourage one another. Open to men of all ages, single or married. Join a Growth Group today!

Vine Growers 

At Crossway Menifee, we long for Great-Commission style ‘vine work’ to be the normal agenda and priority within our church. We yearn for every member of our congregation to grasp this and to live it - to pray for and reach out to those around them to make new disciples, and to nurture and edify and encourage one another to maturity in Jesus Christ.