Tithing, Giving & Donations
We are grateful for your support of our church. The giving of your resources is an important way to worship the Lord.
Because of your financial support and generosity, we are participating in the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our community and help provide a church home for you, your family, and others. Gifts of assets (vehicles, real-estate, stocks and bonds etc.) can be arranged by contacting the Church Office at 951-679-9997.
You will receive a receipt of your tax-deductible gifts in accordance with IRS requirements. Please let us know if you have any specific needs regarding the timing of these notifications; otherwise, you will receive the minimum summary of your gifts necessary to meet government standards. God bless you in advance for your giving to His work here at Crossway Menifee.

Ways You Can Support Crossway Menifee

In Person
Placing your gifts in the offering bags that are passed during our worship service or by placing your gifts in the tithe and offering boxes, available in main sanctuary and foyer, during our worship service

By Mail
Checks or Money Orders can be mailed to:
Crossway Menifee
P.O. Box 2502
Menifee, CA 92586

Give Online
Give online through our secure online donation page.